Monday, June 25, 2007

the week of new things,and not.

So After a week, my matress hurts me and my pillow is my air canada blanket. I found a duvet in the garage so thats my new blankie AND, I am considering sleepig on the floor instead of distroying the back that the Lord has so kindly given me.
I miss english speakers, I am in a house of three south africans, which I love so very much. And learning Africaans is exciting too, I just miss the normal of things. The comfort of things. The settling. Which is great! Because there is no room for growth in settled, comfortable places in anyones live.
I went on youtube and found many interesting videos on what people think of Hillsong, mostly that its just a rock concert and a money maker. hm. I guess for me its about what I THought Hillsong was like before I came, what thoughts and decisions made me come, and if it lines up with me being here now. And there is a resounding *Yes* for making the right choice, and for the right reasons. I mean, 65 million is a lot of money. And the music is loud. So Satan must be at work , right? * sarcasm
Thoughts on it. I guess thats what this entry is about.
More on the negative youtubers though. Because there really wasnt an arguing of apoint. If anything they showed pictures. Pictures of how large the church is. and how it is filled with people worshipping God. Think about that . Thousands of people under one roof for the same reason, uniting and growing and giving their lives for that cause. For Love as Christs love to all nations and neighbours. ( You'd ope atleast). I mean, there are skeptics and fakers and slackers in every church, but such is humanity itself. We are imperfect.
Which brings us to the money complaint side of it all. I dont think there can be total agreeance on what to do with such a large amount of money, and I also think that Hillsong shouldnt be the target of a guilt trip for todays poverty and natural disasters. We are all given the opportunity to do something about the world we live in. Hillsong Chuch does seize that opportunity. They have ,together as a churh, hundereds of compassion children, they have this. and that. and whatever list of *compassion* fits a typical visual definition if you see it only that far.
Friends, it is the intention to which we do the things we do in this life. How we press on in times of trouble, and how strong we stand for what we belive. For 'faith without works is dead'.
Yeah, there are those who see the big screens in the church and step back thinking, my goodness, look at the cost taken !!!-to provide the worship and message so that those in the back row may also see the speaker and hear their voices. Of course, that half of the equation sticks though doesnt it? -That all may see and hear and know ..exactly what is going on in the church on that morning, for that serivice, for that cause we are living for. There are no idols, no decorations, no mc jesus statues or statutes that are clearly seen thus far in week one.
One other thing that I started to find on Youtube was the negativity to the style. or culture. chose your own words. They chose * rock and roll * and * punk song worship*.
I ask though, Does the music style change what we believe? Just because I play bass guitar and love doing it for God, and love it loud with excitement and yes, love the presence of the Lord... is it a sin? Some people ( known to many as techies, and life savers) love seeing the pars light up in hot reds and cool blues. Doesnt mean they cant see God at the end of it all or creator of it all. Design lights for a play or run them for a music or church worship event sometime, see the skill required. See the Gifts it takes. See just how many Gifts God has given, and they are all for His glory. Thats what we need to remember, right? Of course its easy to see the flashy ,rock n roll and see nothing more. Go beyond yourself. Get out of the settled,comfortableness placed in your life and shift to the otherside of the couch so that you can see another part of the tv screen God has turned on. Be it for new generations. older. tribal cultures or suburbanized.

-sorry, excuse the metaphorical rant.

Yes, I find God other ways too. Music, loud or silent is but one way. The birds. nature. Gods creations. Prayer. Talking with God. listening to God. even humbled that I get to communicate with God. Reading the word of Truth and the stories of Jesus and how he live and told us to live. Realizing the importance of determination and signifigance of it all . . having a bed to sleep in. washing the dishes for roommates that have no time and would appreciate a clean counter. God moves in many ways. We will never know them fully, or be able to explain or justify them all fully. And just as well, we may not all have a will or be able to experience them all. Eh? How does that one sit. We must use our hearts and free will in all we do, aye?
If I find God in playing a jazz tune because I hear how beautiful his strings or highhats are, why should that label me as someone on a wrong path, or led my satan or who knows how many other youtuber websitey names there may be out there.
It is true. God never changes. It is also true that people do change. Constantly. I mean, If God changes, He would go from perfect in everyway , to something else.
Us humans, imperfect. Are always changing. seeking. sacrificing. sinning. For what? For more.
More of God, more of perfection, more money or drugs or distruction of beliefs, something!
Again I say, its the intention. the heart. the will in which we do all things. What makes us stand when we are ready to fall. What makes us humane when things around us are not. What brings us back to whatever we find more worthy,worth it. significant. divine. sacred. loved.loving.healing. peaceful. truthful. One thing I believe we need in order to keep going in this life. Whatever goes on around us, whatever things are placed in our lives. ..
I would rather spend an eternity attempting to build up hearts and people and community in love , than a life on earth spent destroying and tearing down anything- or anyone - at all.
Jesus didnt even come to earth saying he was the new way to believe, the new religion, the new anything. He said he was the First. The Last. The way of truth and love and life.
If we go from that. We go from the gospel. We go towards their words and actions laid out for us by Jesus. We go towards making a difference as Jesus did , for the lowest of the low to the highest of the kings as Jesus did. Where do we go from here?
We worship in all we do.

im not editing this. im not structuring it like an essay.

so for my first week here, among the new things
3,000 youth in youth group at hills
thousands at church every morning
more than one service on a sunday
services on saturday
loud, electrifying music and instruments ( playing skillfully)

i see in all of them, the not new things.

all generations coming together to praise God.
faithful servants uniting because of what God has done in their lives
servants serving in thanks for salvation
people seeking and striving to do more, in their own uniquely divine way.
loud, powerful music, and instruments ( playing and singing skillfully for the Lord) psalm something.?

maybe some people who get so upset about the way church is becoming need to just crack open the bible. or research beyond what their worldview alone will let them see, instead of turning to an index that helps them pinpoint verses in their favour.
Maybe all of us need to make sure we know the story of Christ himself, not just the highlites, not with blocking out the scary parts.

Maybe we should spend our time to build up, and not tear down?
One thing I know though, when you do something- whether good or bad, big or small-there are results.
this past week here has shown me a lot of . things like taking a plane and even being here. THAT reality takes a while to kick in. I cant wait to see all the new things my neverchanging God has to show me here. And what the end result of Me will be after the year.
in love,

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